Monday, March 19, 2012

Review of the White Chauncey Bailey Project's Book

The above photo reveals the supreme irony of the Chauncey Bailey murder.Chauncey is on the far right under the protection of the Your Black Muslim Bakery brothers, his alleged killers. The white man on the far left appears to be Thomas Steele, lead writer of the White Chauncey Bailey Project and author of the book Killing the Messenger. Even the caption is a half truth since Bailey was working on the Bakery but also on corruption in the Oakland Police Department and City Hall under then Mayor (now Governor) Jerry Brown.

We present this review of the White Chauncey Bailey Project's book on Black Muslims and the Assassination of Chauncey Bailey. At a book signing, Marvin X shouted from the audience that the book is a sham. Oakland Tribune editor Martin Reynolds shouted back (Martin was having an on stage conversation with Thomas Steele), "Ok, Marvin, we know you are doing a book on Chauncey so we'll just wait for your book." Indeed, my book is Who Killed Chauncey Bailey? and A Short History of Black Muslims in the Bay. As per who killed Malcolm X, James Baldwin said, "The hand that pulled the trigger didn't buy the bullet." Oakland Post Publisher Paul Cobb had this to say about the assassination of his editor, "Chauncey was our soul, blood and bones. And we take authority on the matter of facts concerning his assassination. We are taking authority on his legacy to our community and the world.We do not accept the OPD's, the DA's, or CBP's explanation of his cold blooded murder."

Killing the Messenger: A Story of Radical Faith, Racism’s Backlash, and the Assassination of a Journalist | By Thomas Peele | The Crown Publishing Group | 441 pages, $26.00

by Jess Mowry

Columbia Journalism Review

It’s said that the devil is in the details, and experienced writers would agree that the tiniest details can make or break a story. This may tempt authors to emphasize or embellish aspects of a story that reinforce a theme; to present the facts in a way that fits the frame.

One may receive impressions of this in the first 40 pages of Killing The Messenger, Thomas Peele’s new book about ideology, murder, and journalism, set primarily in Oakland, CA. For instance, one may wonder why the author, who in the first paragraph of the introduction describes Oakland as “little more than a place I passed through to get anywhere,” should choose to inform readers that Oakland’s Lake Merritt “had been created from a drained swamp in the 1860s,” or at low tide the area where the lake drains into the San Francisco Bay (actually the Oakland Estuary) “reeked of rotting mussels ripped open by hungry gulls.”

He might have said that Lake Merritt is the largest saltwater lake located within an urban area and is quite picturesque. And what could be more natural than seagulls feeding on mussels? But, of course, he was trying for gritty atmosphere; just as one could add grit to San Francisco’s image by mentioning that much of the riprap around its Aquatic Park is composed of old tombstones leftover when the city moved most of its graveyards to Colma in the early 20th century.

Likewise, the author repeatedly describes the neighborhood around the (former) Your Black Muslim Bakery on San Pablo Avenue, home base for the semi-legit organization that this book is about, as being the “North Oakland ghetto.” This reviewer, having frequented this bakery for fish sandwiches, and who still passes through the neighborhood at least once a week, can attest that while it’s not one of Oakland’s upscale communities, it’s far from a ghetto. Nor did this reviewer ever find the bakery’s staff anything less than pleasant, neat, clean, or observe the “compound” being guarded by “thugs in bow ties” or “the frenzied pit bull and mastiffs,” though that would have certainly been wise at night, and many area businesses take similar precautions.

None of which is to say that this reviewer admired the Black Muslims or agreed with their doctrine—though the sandwiches were killer—but rather to note that the deployment of superfluous details, especially when one already has an ironclad case, may undermine one’s credibility.

Earning readers’ trust is especially important when an author is writing about black people, who are so accustomed to being misrepresented and negatively portrayed that many automatically distrust or outrightly dismiss anything written about them, especially by a non-black author. It is therefore unfortunate that the first three chapters of Killing The Messenger appear as if Peele was trying too hard to set his stage.

While Part One of this book, opening with the August 2, 2007 gangstuh-style murder of Chauncey Bailey, an Oakland Post editor who was working on a story about Your Black Muslim Bakery, abounds with descriptions of thugs, thuggery, and Dashiell Hammett-meets-Boyz n the Hood atmosphere, one quickly forgives Peele when he settles down to solid journalistic writing, especially since Peele was a principal in the Chauncey Bailey Project, an ad hoc group of journalists dedicated to reporting the circumstances of Bailey’s death.

Though the hook is the murder of Bailey, an undistinguished journalist whose article, Peele notes, would probably not have been very good, Bailey is actually a minor character. The real story is about the Black Muslims, and particularly the Oakland-based Bey family. For decades, Peele reports, the Beys used their health-food bakery as a front for criminal activity, operating largely untouched by police. (The bakery’s founder, Yusuf Ali Bey, actually ran for mayor of Oakland in 1994.) It was only when the erratic, overmatched Yusuf Bey IV assumed control in 2005 that everything began to crumble.

With exceptions noted and forgiven, Killing The Messenger is a very well-written and thoroughly researched book; this becomes apparent as one gets deeper into it. Like James A. Michener, Peele begins at the roots of his subject, in this case a man named Wallace Dodd Ford, a.k.a. Walli Dodd Fard (and many other aliases), who filled out a draft card on June 5, 1917, stating his birthplace as Shinka, Afghanistan, his birth date as February 26, 1893, and his race as “Caus” (presumably an abbreviation of Caucasian). This is ironic, since he was the co-founder of what would become the Black Muslim faith, after teaming up with a spiritual charlatan who styled himself Noble Drew Ali from Morocco, though he was reputedly born Timothy Drew from North Carolina. (Peele makes clear that the Black Muslim “faith” is Islamic in name only, just as the Ku Klux Klan bills itself as a Christian organization.)

The book, backed up by 74 pages of acknowledgments, notes, and bibliography, traces the history not only of the group itself, which was based upon “Tricknology” (a term coined by its founders to describe the misinformation and outright lies foisted upon black people by whites to keep them confused and disunited), but also the individual histories of the principal men involved. Unlike the Black Panther Party, which had its roots in Oakland and was for the most part purely political, the Black Muslims cloaked their militancy in pseudo-religion, encouraging violence not only in their brainwashed believers but also providing a justification to those who simply wanted to act out their hatred by killing. Peele brings vital historical context to the contemporary aspects of his tale: the establishment of the Bey family in Oakland, the rise and fall of Your Black Muslim Bakery, and the eventual murder of Chauncey Bailey—a foolish, arrogant, and typically thuggish act, which, rather than removing a perceived threat to the organization, actually brought it down.

As he does for virtually all the dramatis personae in this book, Peele offers detailed studies of their origins and backgrounds, often not without sympathy in regard to conditions, environment, and events in their lives which may have contributed to what they became. For example, we learn the life history of Devaughndre Monique Broussard, who would become Bey’s hit-man for Chauncey Bailey’s murder. It is an all-too-typical story of a young black man raised in a soul-crushing environment of poverty, drugs, and violence in Richmond, CA, and who wasn’t strong enough to somehow rise above it.

As Peele acknowledges, though most of these men had seedy backgrounds, it was pretty difficult for any black man, especially during the first half of the 20th century, to be squeaky clean in regard to white laws, morals, and values. Peele’s extensive research on the oppression of black people in the US through most of the 20th century, explains part of the book’s subtitle: Racism’s Backlash—the backlash being the rise of an organization claiming to be a religious faith that professes hate toward white people. Peele is not hesitant to give white devils their due, whether murderous police, racist politicians and journalists, or discriminatory policies. He describes several attacks by police upon Black Muslims in various cities that ended in outright murder of black men, the officers involved invariably cleared of any wrongdoing. No wonder that, then as now, certain young black men would be attracted to an ideology that encouraged them to fight back.

Throughout the book’s 350 pages, Peele presents detailed accounts of how various individuals became involved with and/or ensnared by the Black Muslim movement; some idealistically, many—especially young black men intellectually stunted by the public-education system and emotionally scarred by the judicial system—because it offered opportunities no one else was offering. Broussard, for example, a once-promising student who lost his way, is Peele’s Exhibit A: an impressionable youth who was lured by the financial and emotional shelter the Beys provided.

Did anything positive come out of this? While Peele seems a bit cloudy on this point, he also appears to imply that the answer is yes. Though he may have somewhat embellished the grit and grimness of Oakland, he also acknowledges the thousands of young black men taken in off the streets, or when fresh out of prison, who would have likely been behind bars—or behind bars again—had they not been offered productive jobs and educated in matters of self-worth, physical and mental discipline, and personal integrity, and who may well have gone on to live better lives by using these teachings as a basis to self-educate and think for themselves. In other words, Peele seems to realize there are shades of gray in everything—no absolute evil, no untarnished good, and few saints or devils without their own motives.

Killing The Messenger may well be the best, most thoroughly researched, and—with exceptions noted—most objective book thus far written on this subject, and is no doubt destined to become required reading in many colleges and universities. Hopefully, it will also be read in prisons, to educate young black men that Tricknology comes in all colors. If the devil is indeed in the details, Peele has given us many demons to exorcise.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oakland Post Opinion on Chauncey Bailey, Rupert Murdoch Connection

Chauncey Bailey, Rupert Murdoch, Media, Police and Politicians connected
by MarvinX

The charges against media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the UK police and politicians has implications and parallels with the Oakland political establishment, the Chauncey Bailey Project and the Oakland Police Department.

The situation in the United Kingdom reveals the collusion of politicians, the Media and the police. Shall we say they had a symbiotic relationship or was it more sinister and synergistic, for allegedly Mr. Murdoch's newspaper paid the police to help them hack into the phones of murdered persons. And it has been asserted that Murdoch’s American media organizations may have hacked into the phones of 9/11 victims. Politicians served at the behest of Mr. Murdoch's media empire, seeking his support, Murdoch acknowledged that they slipped him into the back door of the Prime Minister’s residence.

The whistle-blowing journalist who worked for Murdoch and was investigating the corruption scandal was found dead 24 hours before Murdoch’s testimony before the Parliament. The Scotland Yard police said the death would not be considered “suspicious”. In 1987, another journalist, Daniel Morgan, was murdered because he, like Chauncey, was about to expose a drug conspiracy linked to police corruption. Shortly before Chauncey was murdered, a group of mothers wanted him to meet with them at an Oakland Church to intervene between them and the police because they said the police were shaking down their sons for money, drugs and jewelry, without arresting them, letting them go free, putting their lives in danger with dope dealers.

As with the British treatment of Murdoch, Oakland politicians sought the blessings of Dr. Yusef Bey, founder of Your Black Muslim Bakery, and father of the now convicted murderer of Chauncey Bailey. Politicians who lined up at Dr. Bey’s door included Barbara Lee, Sandre Swanson, Keith Carson, Don Perata and Jerry Brown.

Derwin Longmire, the officer in charge of the investigation, was the chief mentor of the bakery boys. They were finally convicted of three murders, including Chauncey Bailey. Under his mentorship, the bakery boys imagined themselves as police, purchasing a bus and cars equipped with police lights. They were arrested for impersonating police and kidnapping, after they stopped a woman on the freeway. Most importantly, why didn’t the OPD inform Chauncey that the bakery boys were planning to kill him, since they had informants at the bakery and had them under surveillance for two years with tracking devices and tapped phones.

The Chauncey Bailey Project was formed at the request of Paul Cobb, but when he asked that they pursue the angle of police corruption, they dismissed Cobb’s suggestion, especially the Oakland Tribune which had a longtime embedded reporter at the OPD.

Even though officer Longmire was charge of the crime scene, he refused to interview an eye witness, although he later made a personal visit to the eye witness while he was in jail, with his tape recorder, and tried to convince the witness that he didn't see what he actually saw. Why did he decide to interview the witness and how did he know the man was in jail? And he recorded the interview, something he neglected to do when he put the two murder suspects in a room together, after which one made a confession? As in the London reporter’s death, Longmire, too did not think his behavior was suspicious.
--Marvin X

Marvin X is editing an anthology of writings on Chauncey Bailey.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Let us cry crocodile tears for Longmire

It is interesting to note Longmire blames his department for bumbling the Chauncey Bailey murder investigation, but he was the officer in charge of the crime scene who drove off when Oakland Post Publisher Paul Cobb presented an eye witness at the crime scene. And why would he not have access to tracking devices and phone records on the murder mastermind. What is clear is that Longmire has no intention to be the fall guy for the OPD's pitiful job in the Bailey conspiracy. The OPD had the intelligence to know the murder was going to go down and was scheduled to raid the murder suspect's compound a day before the murder but delayed until the day after, then the Chief lied about it. No matter what, Longmire's hands are as bloody as the Bakery brothers, and his OPD comrades are as well. A murder could have been prevented if only the OPD, including Longmire, had done the right thing, but we know devils are constitutionally unable to do so.
--Marvin X

Sgt. Longmire Speaks Out About Bailey Case

Updated: 11:42 pm PDT July 10, 2011

OAKLAND, Calif. -- None of Oakland Police Sgt. Derwin Longmire's dozens of homicide cases have captivated more attention than the one of almost exactly four years ago, when Bay Area journalist Chauncey Bailey was assassinated.

Until just Sunday, the Oakland police command had forbidden Longmire from speaking out about the case or defending himself against charges that he compromised the investigation.

He sat down with KTVU and talked about the case.

Longmire said he was frustrated and hurt by his department.

"The abandonment and betrayal by my police department and those who have the responsibility for looking out and caring for the men and women who work under their supervision and direction," he said

KTVU asked about Longmire about his controversial decision to allow confessed Chauncey Bailey killer Devaughdre Broussard to talk alone and unrecorded with convicted murder mastermind Yusef Bey IV.

Longmire maintained it was the right thing to do.

"I heard many critics and experts indicate that I likely blown the case for that reason,” he said. “This was a tactic I had used before on more than one occasion. That was really what got the ball rolling to ultimately get him to turn state's evidence and testify against Mackey and Bey."

There were also allegations that Longmire had failed to note GPS tracking devices and phone logs that strongly indicated Bey's guilt.

Longmire said those were initiated before the Chauncey Bailey murder and weren’t his cases.

"I didn't feel good about indicating things in my report that I didn't have a solid, concrete base of knowledge on,” he said. "In addition to that, we knew that these cases were going to get paired up and that they would go vertical. All the information would go to the district attorney.”

Meanwhile, Sgt. Longmire has his own charges against the Oakland police command.

The organization declined comment.

Top commanders accused him of interfering with the investigation and tried to fire him. They launched three internal affairs investigations, two of which condemned Longmire but a third inclusive one exonerated him.

The commanders waited at least five months before telling him he was cleared.

During that time, they tried to coax Longmire to promise he would not sue the department in return for bringing him back.

Longmire declined, but was reinstated regardless. He is now pursuing a civil lawsuit against the department and city in both state and federal courts.

“They never would have had the honesty or the forthrightness to tell me,” he said. "I'm talking primarily talking about Deputy Chief Howard Jordan, I mean Assistant Chief Howard Jordan, who knew, who was well aware of the fact that I had not jeopardized this case."

Longmire explained his co-workers behavior by saying sometimes ambition and fear weighs out against protection of its employees.

Sgt. Longmire no longer serves as a homicide detective, but was fully reinstated to his rank and pay and didn’t lose any salary.


KTVU Channel 2 News has made public more than 1,000 pages of legal documents regarding the highly controversial Chauncey Bailey murder investigation.

As KTVU reported, the sworn statements depict the top command staff at the Oakland Police Department – especially Assistant Chief Howard Jordan -- as withholding and ignoring key evidence that eventually exonerated Sgt. Longmire of charges that he compromised the Bailey investigation.

The documents also indicate former Chief Wayne Tucker orchestrated a cover-up among his command staff of a key decision he made that may have accidentally set the stage for the Bailey killing.

Copyright 2011 by All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chauncey Bailey Murder Trial Nears End, Oakland Police Drama Begins

Chauncey Bailey Murder Trial Nears End,
Oakland Police Drama Begins

As the Chauncey Bailey Murder trial wraps up, the long suspected Oakland police role in the murder investigation is being uncovered. Oakland Post Newspaper Publisher Paul Cobb and the Black Chauncey Bailey Project organizer Marvin X have long called for an investigation of the OPD's role in the assassination of Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey.

The "white" Chauncey Bailey Project has resisted investigating the alleged police role in the assassination of Chauncey Bailey, focusing singularly on the indictment of the Black Muslim Bakery Brothers as the sole culprits, even though at the outset of the editor's assassination in broad daylight, Post Publisher Paul Cobb told the OPD that Chauncey was not only investigating the activities of YBMB, but more importantly, the alleged activities of corruption by African American members of the OPD.

He informed the DA Tom Orloff of his feelings. Not only did Orloff reject Cobb's assertion, but he resigned shortly after the killing. Police Chief Tucker resigned or retired as well.

Before he resigned, Chief Tucker suggested if Cobb wanted the OPD to pursue police involvement in the assassination of Chauncey, Cobb should get himself a bullet proof vest.

When Paul Cobb suggested the "White" Chauncey Bailey Project should also pursue police involvement, embedded OPD crime writer Harry Harris suggested Cobb was out of his mind. Cobb suggests Harris has been hanging around in the OPD locker room too long.

It is clear that Harry Harris has been embedded with the OPD far beyond any objective usefulness. The same may be true for Oakland Tribune Editor Martin Reynalds who related to Black Chauncey Bailey Project organizer Marvin X that the OPD had fine officers, especially Lt. Longmire, chief investigator of the Bailey killing as well as mentor of the murder suspects who was temporarily relieved of his duties due to conflict of interest. He was in charge of the crime scene and led the raid of the bakery, securing the murder weapon and a confession in less than 24 hours after the murder of Chauncey.

When Marvin X published the conversation he had with Oakland Tribune Editor Reynolds during a lunch meeting, Reynolds threatened to throw a Molotov Cocktail at Marvin X, one of the most prolific writers in America and the world. Marvin wrote eight books last year and is considered the USA's Rumi (Bob Holman), Plato teaching on the streets of Oakland (Ishmael Reed), the father of Muslim American literature (Dr. Mohja Kahf), one of the founders and innovators of the revolutionary school of African writing (Amiri Baraka).

As the murder trial concludes, it appears the OPD drama is just beginning. KTVU television reported last night that a long suspected cover up in the Bailey murder investigation has been uncovered.

Because of his association with those indicted for the murder of Chauncey, there are persons who think Marvin X's assertions are tainted. Marvin X rejects this. After all, Chauncey was his friend as well. One of his last stories was a review of Marvin's book How to Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy.

--Marvin X

the Black Chauncey Bailey Project


OPD Cover-Up Emerges In Bailey Murder Investigation

Posted: 9:10 pm PDT May 18, 2011
Updated: 9:43 am PDT May 19, 2011

OAKLAND, Calif. -- As the eight-week trial of the alleged mastermind of the Chauncey Bailey murder heads to the jury this week, KTVU Channel 2 News has obtained hundreds of pages of legal documents never seen publicly that explain for the first time the inside story of the controversial homicide investigation.

It's a story that KTVU has largely been prevented from telling because of a gag order imposed by the command staff of the Oakland Police Department.

The documents paint a troubling picture of former top commanders at Oakland police misleading the public about several key aspects of the Bailey case.

On December 15, 2008, then-Oakland Police Chief Wayne Tucker called a highly unusual press conference to respond to a story revealing what may have been the single biggest turn in the assassination of Bay Area journalist Chauncey Bailey.

That was the discovery that Tucker had delayed for two days a massive police raid scheduled for August 1st, 2007 on the violent "Your Black Muslim Bakery" so a member of the chief's command staff could extend a camping trip.

But the next day, August 2nd, a self-described "soldier" from the bakery gunned down Bailey in cold blood on a downtown Oakland street. The delayed raid then took place on August 3rd, the day after the murder.

The documents contain charges that Tucker and his command staff held a private meeting just before the press conference, where they agreed to cover-up that decision when they met the news media.

In the sworn statement KTVU has obtained, an Oakland police captain testified he was in that meeting and spoke to the chief about what he regarded as a lie:

Captain Ersie Joyner: "Chief Tucker was adamant that we had only one date set and there was never two dates."

Attorney: "And to your knowledge, did Chief Tucker know that there were two dates, August 1st and then August 3rd?"

Joyner: "Yes."

Attorney: "Was there anyone else in that meeting with Chief Tucker and Chief Jordan and others who believed that the department had knowledge of the two dates, August 1st and August 3rd?"

Joyner: "Yes."

Attorney: "After that press conference, did you talk to Chief Tucker about what you perceived to be a dishonest statement?"

Joyner. "Yes."

San Francisco attorney John Scott, who is bringing a lawsuit against the city of Oakland on behalf of the lead investigator of the Bailey murder, says Tucker’s action goes to the heart of a story never heard before -- until now.

"The department, I believe, had its own sense of guilt or believed it had its own sense of guilt or responsibility for the murder because the department was supposed to execute a warrant on the Black Muslim Bakery on August 1st, the day before the murder." Scott said. "Now, no one is suggesting or implying the department intended to kill Chauncey Bailey."

Scott is representing Oakland police Sgt. Derwin Longmire, who has been under a gag order by the chief's office since the fall of 2007.

Longmire has never spoken to the news media about the Chauncey Bailey case. He also declined to speak to KTVU for this story.

But KTVU Channel 2 News has obtained sworn statements by Longmire and other Oakland police officials, some testifying that Sgt. Longmire has been unjustly painted as the scapegoat for the Bailey homicide investigation.

Tucker's assistant chief, Howard Jordan, launched internal investigations against Longmire because he believed the homicide investigator had become far too close to the Black Muslim Bakery and didn't tell his boss or colleagues what he was doing.

Recorded phone conversations between Longmire and Yusef Bey IV shortly after Bailey's murder indicate they had a close relationship:

"Nobody has the right to say we can't be friends because you know what I mean," Bey can be heard saying in one recorded call.

To which Longmire replied: "You know what, I totally agree. I totally agree. I feel that way wholeheartedly."

The documents KTVU obtained, however, have sworn testimony from Longmire's immediate supervisor saying he had ordered Longmire to take those actions and that the district attorney also knew -- and approved -- of them.

Longmire's lawsuit charges the Oakland police brass with discriminating against him and it uses sworn statements such as this one by Assistant Chief Howard Jordan to attempt to prove he made biased assumptions:

Attorney: "Did you believe that Sgt. Longmire had compromised the investigation because of that relationship with either the Black Muslims or the bakery?"

Jordan: "Yes."

Attorney: "At the time of the Chauncey Bailey murder, did you believe that Sergeant Longmire was associated with the Black Muslim Bakery?"

Jordan: "Yes."

However, the documents also include evidence that Longmire was not protecting the Black Muslims, showing that as early as five years before Bailey was shot Sgt. Longmire warned the police command staff that the bakery was a criminal enterprise and needed to be cleaned up.

No serious, sustained action was taken on those repeated warnings until it was too late.

The department moved to fire Longmire in May 2009.

After a series of internal investigations, Longmire was ultimately exonerated.

But even then, the Oakland command staff offered Longmire his job back only if he promised not to sue. He refused, and filed his lawsuit in April 2010.

Although Longmire is still prohibited from discussing the Bailey case, he did talk to KTVU when he filed his lawsuit against the department.

"There was so much media attention that when questions came up they couldn't answer about mistakes early on, for them there was no other way but to let it fall on someone and that someone was me," said Longmire.

Assistant Chief Howard Jordan declined to comment on this story through a letter from an attorney representing the city of Oakland.

A phone call to former chief Wayne Tucker, now a civilian, asking for his perspective on the allegations in these new documents brought this brief response:

"I have nothing to say to your s***** station,” Tucker declared. “Why don't you publish that? You should publish that."

The lawsuit is scheduled to go to trial in February 2012.

Copyright 2011 by All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SF Police Corruption

Alleged Illegal Search, SF Police Brutality Caught On Video

The office of San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi released a video today showing San Francisco Police Department officers physically attacking an apparent bystander after (allegedly) illegally searching the room of a residential hotel resident on Dec. 30, 2010. Adachi's office claims that this video directly "contradicts officers’ sworn statement on several counts and appears to support the resident’s claim officers stole his property." In the police report, officers detained Fernando Santana, 48, in the Jefferson Hotel lobby at 440 Eddy "after claiming to see crack cocaine in his outstretched hand." However, in the video Santana's hands are inside his pants pockets.

This has prompted Adachi to demand "a culture change in our city’s police department."

Officers involved in the controversial Dec. 30 arrest are Ricardo Guerrero, Reynaldo Vargas, Jacob Fegan, Peter Richardson, Robert Sanchez and Kevin Healy. Guerrero was the subject of a 2010 New York Times article, identifying him as one of the highest-paid police officers in San Francisco. Guerrero raked in $223,170 in 2008 while working in the narcotics division.

Video of Dec. 30 arrest below:

According to the PD office, here how the search went down:

0:00 Undercover officer Guerrero in dark clothing enters, crosses lobby. 0:19 Guerrero goes to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor of hotel 1:54 Officers pass front desk and one briefly flashes a badge 2:22 Client enters lobby and is handcuffed 4:21 Handcuffed client is led to room and officers search room 6:36: Friend of client's stops by room and is choked and searched by police 9:08: Guerrero exits room with client's bag (not listed in police property list) and walks down hall
Contact the author of this article or email with further

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Paul Cobb and Marvin X

Oakland Post Publisher Paul Cobb and author Marvin X at 14th and Broadway, across the street from Academy of da Corner, in front of Rite Aid.

Paul and Marvin grew up together in West Oakland. Paul knows more about Marvin's dad, Owendell Jackmon, a florist, than Marvin. Another brother, Henry Winston, says Mr. Jackmon was his mentor and he holds Marvin's dad in the highest esteem. Mr. Jackmon made his transition at 89 in 1989. He was born in 1900 and particpated in WWI. He was a Race man who was conscious of Marcus Garvey. In Oakland, he was a member of various organizations, including The Men of Tomorrow, Elks, American Legion, et al. Mr. Jackmon was a member of Downs Memorial Methodist Church. Marvin's classic play Flowers for the Trashman deals with the father/son relationship. When the Drama Department at San Franscisco State University produced the play while Marvin was an undergrad, his father attended a performance but wasn't too happy with his son's depiction.

Before moving to Oakland, the Jackmons lived in Fresno. Marvin and his mother, Marian Murrill Jackmon were born in Fowler, nine miles south of Fresno. His parents published the Fresno Voice, possibly the first black newspaper in the Central Valley. They also had a real estate business and sold many blacks their first home after WWII.

See Marvin's autobiography, Somethin' Proper, Black Bird Press, 1998.

photo Walter Riley, Esq.

Somethin' Proper: The Life and Times of a North American African Poet

book review

African American Review, Spring, 2001

by Julius E. Thompson

It tells the story of the most important Muslim poet to appear in the United States during the civil rights era....Marvin X (Marvin E. Jackmon) [El Muhajir]. Somethin' Proper: The Life and Times of a North American African Poet. Castro Valley, CA: Black Bird P, 1998. 278 pp. $29.95.

Marvin X's autobiography Somethin' Proper is one of the most significant works to come out of the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. It tells the story of perhaps the most important African American Muslim poet to appear in the United States during the Civil Rights era. The book opens with an introduction by scholar Nathan Hare, a key figure in the Black Studies Movement of the period. Marvin X then takes center stage with an exploration of his life's story, juxtaposed with the rapidly changing events and movements of contemporary history: the Civil Rights Movement, the Black Arts Movement, the Black Power Movement, the growth of Islam in America, and especially the influence of Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam, and the series of challenges facing black people in recent decades.

Marvin X was born Marvin E. Jackmon in Fowler, California, on May 29, 1944, and grew up in West Fresno and West Oakland, California. His early education was completed in these cities, and he later attended Oakland City College (Merritt) and San Francisco State University, where he was awarded a B.A. and an M.A. in English.

He emerged as an important new poetic voice among California black poets in the late 1960s, and wrote for several of the key Black Arts Movement journals of the period, including the Journal of Black Poetry, Soulbook, Black Dialogue, Black Theatre magazine, Black Scholar, Black World, and Muhammad Speaks.

He was also a key playwright of the era, working with Ed Bullins in organizing the Black Arts West Theatre in San Francisco, 1966, and in founding the Black House, also in San Francisco, with Bullins, Eldridge Cleaver, and Ethna Wyatt, 1967.

He also worked with Bullins at the New Lafayette Theatre in Harlem, 1968. During the last forty years, Marvin X has taught Black Studies, literature, drama, and English at Fresno State University, the University of California, Berkeley and San Diego, the University of Nevada, Reno, San Francisco State University, Mills College, and Merritt and Laney Colleges in Oakland, California.

His very active career is also reflected in a rapid-moving life style. This fact is documented by the author in twenty chapters in Somethin' Proper, followed by an appendix, which captures the life and death of Huey Newton. Marvin X was a busy man during the 1960s and 1970s. He was a Black Muslim, an associate of the key leaders of the Black Panther Party (Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and Eldridge Cleaver), an anti-Vietnam War protester (he went into exile in Canada, Mexico City and later in Central America, rather than be drafted into the United States Army), and an outspoken critic of American economic, social, and cultural discrimination of African Americans at home, and of Third World peoples abroad.

This theme is reflected in one of his most famous poems of the period, "Burn, Baby Burn" on the 1965 Watts Riot:

Tired, sick and tired.

Tired of being sick and tired.


lost inthe wilderness of white America.

Are the masses asses?

Cool, said the master

To the slave, "No problem,

Don't rob and steal, I'll Be your driving wheel."


And he wheeled us into350 years of BlackMadness--

to hog guts, Conked hair, quo vadis

Bleaching cream, Uncle Thomas,

to WattsTo the streets, to theKillllllllll ........

Boommmmm ............

2 honkeys gone.

Motherfuck the police

And Parker's sister too

Burn, baby, burn*******

Cook outta sight*******





burn .....Baby, burn

Somethin' Proper also reveals Marvin X's family life, marriages, children, and friends, and notes the conflicts which he has experienced across the years with individuals, organizations, and governments. He writes in a style which captures the essence of black language, folklore, and culture in the United States, with an upscale urban beat!

Marvin X notes the high and low points in his own life and that of his associates. Most potent is his analysis of the drug situation in this country, and its relationship to and impact upon the black struggle. He calls for change and reform in this area, stressing the need for continued black struggle to overcome the age-old problems of discrimination, racism, and oppression in America.

Marvin X remains an active writer today. His body of work includes Fly to Allah (1969); Black Man Listen (1969), a key work in Dudley Randall's catalogue at Broadside Press; Woman, Man's Best Friend (1973); and a play, One Day in the Life, most recently produced in 1997 in Brooklyn and Newark, New Jersey.

His most recent books of poetry are Love and War (1995), Land of My Daughters, poems, 2005.He remains a very interesting voice from the Black Arts Movement, continuing to write and to challenge contemporary readers to think and to act, and to assess the past, the present, and the future.

COPYRIGHT 2001 African American Review

COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group

Marvin appears in the recent literary anthology Black California, Heyday Books, Berkeley, 2011. He was Guest Editor of the Journal of Pan African Studies Poetry Issue, 2011. Marvin is editing an anthology of writings dedicated to the memory of assassinated Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey.

On May 14, Marvin X will receive the Inspired Artist Award at the Paramount Theatre. He is organizer of the Black Chauncey Bailey Project and the First Poet's Church of the Latter Day Egyptian Revisionists.